Banking and Finance

Banks Demands Full Guarantee

VIVAnews - National Banks Association (Perbanas) insisted that the government imposes full guarantee for people's savings and interbank loans.
Perbanas Head Sigit Pramono said that the guarantee may reduce public worries such that they no longer transfer their money to top banks.

Meanwhile, as for interbank guarantee, it will ease banks to give loans to other banks. The problem is that for the time being, the liquidity that exists in banks is unbalanced.
"Some banks have liquidity surplus; some have enough; and some lack liquidity," said Sigit on Thursday, Dec 11.
Today, banks do not believe each other. With the guarantee, it will facilitate fund mobility. Banks' interest rate can also be cut because banks do not need to increase interest rates for savings and giro.
With full guarantee, it will help the financial sector because banking would no longer be upset. Afterwards, banking and the government may shift focus to real sector.
With regard to increase of third-party funds in state banks, Sigit said that it was due to unbalanced liquidity. Budget funds belonging to the government in state banks have decreased such that the banks experience liquidity surplus.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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